Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Yesterday was a very memorable day for me in that 7yrs ago I lost my Mom to colorectal cancer.  I talk about her alot because she meant so much to me and we were like best friends.  I smiled when my brother texted me and  reminded me that it was her who pushed me into playing the piano and singing.  I believe when I started piano lessons I was in the 4th or 5th grade and my music teacher reeked of listerine breath!!!   I'm telling you when I walked into the music room of his house it hit me like a ton of bricks! Well  I made my way through all those lessons and then started playing in the church right beside our house.  On a Wednesday night to be exact, the piano player didn't show up, so who do you think volunteered me??  My Moma!!   I was scared silly but did it and actually did a pretty good job she said.  I was my worst critic!   Then from there I started singing in the choir with her and she encouraged me to start singing by myself.  I'm so glad that she pushed me and encouraged me because it's made me who I am today.  Music has always been a big part of my life.  She knew that God had something wonderful planned for me and I hope that somehow up in Heaven that she's smiling down on her little girl today and feeling proud.   I'm proud that she was my Mom and I'm thankful for those lessons once a week.   As my brother said, "You get to sing LIVE in front of people every week."  Although it's not performance, purely WORSHIP.   Maybe that CD will be produced before long......  Thanks MOM.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What are you known for?

      I posted this quote earlier today and it really got me thinking.  "It's not what you know or who you know. It's what you are that finally counts." Zig Ziglar    What are you known for?   So many people are known for different things.   There may be a person in your life that you go for to get advice and counsel from~ that person is known for giving wise counsel.  Who do you call when you're discouraged?  Whoever that someone may be is your encourager.   This other person may be known for knowing everything about any and everything going on in the community!  Do you attract gossip?   Does it seem that people come to you with probems and issues about others?   If they do, wouldn't you wonder why?   I know folks, women especially, sorry ladies but it's true, that thrive on finding out the latest news.   Women like to talk, we just do, but make sure that your talk is not bashing somebody else and running their name in the ground  when you don't even know the person.   Too many are judged without being known.  Gossip is a sin, it is equal to adultery, lying, stealing, murder, etc.  Yes I said murder!   You can murder someone with your tongue.  The book of James has alot to say about this little member of our body.   James 3:5~ Even so the tongue is a little member, and it can boast of great things.  6:  And the tongue is a world of wickedness set among our members, contaminating and depraving the whole body and setting on fire the wheel of birth(the cylce of man's nature), being itself ignited by hell.  8:  But the human tongue can be tamed by no man. It is a restless (undisciplined, irreconcilable) evil, full of deadly poison.  It goes on to say that with our tongue we bless our Heavenly Father, and with it we also curse men!  With our mouths we can speak forth blessing or cursing.   I don't know about you but I don't want that kind of reputation.  Don't you just hate walking in a room and it gets really quiet and it makes you feel as though you are being talked about?  I hate that feeling.  It goes on in many churches and where you work, don't want to exclude that.   Also the church kitchen, bathroom and work breakrooms.....   I am a pastor's wife, I know.  We have a way of hearing things that get stirred up.  What kind of example are we living before men if we can't stop talking about our own members and co-workers. 
    Bottom line is this, we need to make sure that we are being an image of Christ here on earth and being a godly example to others.  We want to be known for bearing good fruit not rotten fruit with worms and those nagging little fruit flies!  When you have rotten bananas in your kitchen there is always those disgusting little creatures flying around!  They are attracted to that rotten banana.  I don't want to attract people who like to start gossip.  I want to attract people who love the Lord and have the same passion as I do when it comes to praising the Lord.  I want to attract people who want to laugh and have a good time.  I am not a fake person, what you see is what you get.  That's how we should be.  REAL!!   So maybe you and I need to take a little inventory and make sure that what we are known for is good stuff.  Tame that tongue and edify one another in love.  If people are always coming to you with problems that they have with somebody might better check yourself before you wreck yourself.  Hahahaha!!!  Be known for bearing good fruit.  <3