devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize
upon and devour. 1Pet5.8.AMP
Life is good when everything is going great, there are no problems, no bumps in the road, no car breaking down, no overdrawn checks at the bank, kids doing good in school, etc..... WRONG....Look out, something could happen at any moment! The above verse is a good example that we always need to be on guard, and cautious of the enemies attacks. He is seeking around just looking for some weak Christian, or not, to hand them some bait and GOTCHA!!!!! He reels you in and you are caught! The amplified version tells us that he is roaming around like a lion on the hunt for a kill. He's hungry and he won't stop until he has somebody in his grip. I have seen too many Christians take the bait of Satan and fall. I'm talking people that you thought were mature, but let one circumstance occur that throws them off their course and they become weak, tired, depressed, spent, sick and tired and the enemy sees them as a target for his next meal. I'm tired of seeing the body of Christ beat up, messed up, confused and backslidden(divorced from God). One area that the devil uses is OFFENSE. They become offended because somebody rubbed them the wrong way so to speak, didn't pay them enough attention, didn't recognize them for something they did, or maybe they felt left out and felt as though they "didn't fit in."
We have got to become more mature than we are so that we can ward off these attacks that Satan uses to cripple the Body of Christ. Too many people are leaving churches and going to other churches infecting them in the same way as the did the last one they infected.
Stay in the Word of God, become rooted and grounded in the church where you are planted, stay in prayer, fast and seek the face of God and we will have strong Christians in the Body. It's time that we combat the enemy with the Word of Almighty God that we have been given by God. The Word says we should be well balanced. In our everyday diets, we are told to eat a well balanced diet and exercise so that we can maintain a healthy body. When you are consuming the right foods you are well balanced, more healthy, you have energy, you sleep better at night because you are balanced. The Body of Christ is out of balance. We have too much flesh manifesting and no spirit and we are being run by our flesh, driven by our flesh and we are dying spiritually. We don't know how to fight off the enemy so we just give in. We get angry and we get even and then we just leave. Which leaves alot of wounded leaders and pastors trying to figure out what in the world they did or did not do. Enough is enough. We can't win the world one person at a time, we were are wounding each other. Flesh cannot stand in the presence of a Holy God, only spirit. We need to become balanced..............Read your Bible, spend time in prayer, meditate on His Word, operate in the gifts of the spirit, fast, sing to yourselves psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to build up your faith, your spirit man. Fellowship with believers, forgive yourself and others....don't isolate yourself from others when you are in the midst of a battle. Don't give place to the enemy, don't get offended, refuse to get offended!
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