We've heard this saying ever since we were kids. Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Lie, lie, lie!!!! Words do hurt and alot of times they are intended to hurt. We say things from our mouths sometimes that we really don't mean but we are reacting to the situation at hand. When things get heated in arguements we say very hurtful things and once they are spoken ....you can't take them back. Truth is we say them and the person they were said to may play them over and over again in their minds. I have met alot of women that have suffered verbal abuse from their spouses. I remember hearing someone even say one time that it's hard for them to understand the love of God because the love that they've experienced is painful. It seems to me that sometimes that verbal abuse takes longer to get over than the physical. But both are very abusive. God offers healing for both of these and you can rise above all the negative words and actions done against you. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21: Death in life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit of it. The Message translation puts it simply like this: Words kill, words give life; they're either posion or fruit you choose. So for this New Year 2012 I personally have vowed to God that I will change my thinking and my speaking. We have always done that at our house anyway. It truly does matter what you say and our negative thinking will not produce any positive results. Say this: My negative words can stop God's plan for my life. So if you want God's perfect plan for your life, it you want to be properous, and in great health speak forth the WORD of God. His words produce life!!!! Happy New Year!
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