Why does it seem sometimes that when all is well in life and things are going smoothly, that all of sudden all hell breaks loose and you feel as though somebody pulled the rug right out from under you??
Ever asked yourself that question? Well, if you haven't then you must not be stirring up the kingdom of darkness by standing in your God given authority. Life is sometimes much like a box of chocolates, as Forest Gump said........"you never know what you're gonna get." You must be able to recognize an attack from the enemy. Just before your greatest breakthrough is when our adversary, Satan, will try to ambush you. But if you are obedient and driven by the Holy Spirit, you will notice those little sneaking ways that he tries to come in. Recently I experienced a one of these ambushes. Always remember that your past is just that, it's in the past and you move on and press forward. However, Satan will always try to conjure up stuff to bring it back to your remembrance. Satan uses people sometimes to do that. They may not even be aware that they are being used for your destruction but they are. Ephesians 6:12~ We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against prinicipalities, against powers, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. You see, this battle is not against each other but against Satans kingdom! Nobody wants to have enemies but I'm sure there are some people that I have made mad or who dislike me for some reason or another, but we have to release those people and give them to God. Not everybody is going to agree with your life decisions. You will be criticized and scrutinized but this one thing I know, If God be for us, who on earth or in this universe can be against me? Romans 8:31 Just know that when the enemy comes in like a flood that the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against them, they, her, him or whomever. ~Isaiah 59:19
Just always be on guard for traps set before you. Whenever you are doing Kingdom business and promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ, you are shaking the foundations of hell and making the devil mad. When you get up in the morning the devil should fear you. Arm yourself with the armor of God and listen to His voice by staying deep in His word. Whenever you do that, you are gonna smell trouble and be wise not to entertain gossip, lies, and all the other pitfalls that Satan may try. My husband and I have been in the ministry for almost 21 years now and we have seen and heard it all. Rumors get spread about you, people get jealous and can't stand to see you get blessed and do everything in the world to try and raise a stink. One thing we have learned to do is forgive. Forgiveness is one of the greatest things you can do, and you can't move forward in life until you do.
I don't have to have the applause of men or their approval but what I do need is God's approval and His guidance. As long as we know what we are doing is right and that God has our back we don't worry about anything else. I've told my kids that friends will come and friends will go but the true friends will remain with you when everyone else turns their back on you. What a friend we have in Jesus, our true companion, comforter, counselor, defender, peacemaker, peacespeaker and most of all our Father. It is His good pleasure to make sure that His children are protected on all sides. He has commanded His angels to watch over us day and night.
Don't be fooled by traps, for that is just what they are, they are meant to trap you and keep you in bondage and fear. Jesus has set us free, an whom the Son makes free is FREE INDEED!!!!!
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